Sunday, May 21, 2006


Procrastination has never been an issue for me - pretty much over the last 32 years (almost) that I have been on this planet (since we haven't yet realized the Google dream of flying to Mars at a cost of $10-$20 per lb). However, having adapted to pretty much most aspects of modern life (internet, java, instant coffee, sms & missed calls, flight delays) and experienced most of them, "blogging" has been something I have been an extremely delayed entrant to. Yes - I've heard the term all over - cafe's, the post office, newspapers - everywhere except on toilet paper rolls. But somehow could never overcome the inertia to post my numerous thoughts on virtual bullettin boards, not wanting to atrophy precious brain nerves of any poor soul that happened to cyber-stumble into my virtual dwelling.

But eventually, it caught up with me (in the form of my wife's insistence, if I may) and here I am.

A software engineer by profession, working for India's software services behemoth - Infosys Technologies - and currently living in London but based in Bangalore, though being from Bombay (Mumbai), yet a Tamil speaking Keralite.... That's me. Though not usually as boring as I sound so far.

Currently, there're a million (or googol if you prefer) thoughts and themes I'd like to pen which, I'd like to follow up after.

So welcome and may the Power be with You.


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